Protect your account with Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) strengthens access security by requiring two methods (also referred to as authentication factors) to verify your identity. These factors to approve authentication requests can include

  • something you know – like a username and password.
  • something you have – like a smartphone.

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection to your account. Whenever you sign in to the iRender dashboard, you’ll need to enter both your password as well as a security code. Security code is generated by Google Authenticator. A guide to enabling Two-factor authentication.

Watch the tutorial video below or read the following instructions:

Enable Two-factor authentication feature

A. Set up Google Authenticator on your device

B. Enable Two-factor Authentication on iRender

1. Open the iRender dashboard at

2. On the top-right corner of the dashboard, choose the circle-R icon. Select the first one which is your username section. 

3. On the Customer Information page, choose the Security tab » Toggle the Enabled Two-factor authentication on

4. A QR code then appears. Open Google Authenticator on your device, scan this QR code (or enter a setup key).

5. Choose Next step. Then type a six-digit number from Google Authenticator to verify your settings » choose Confirm.

This code changes every 30 seconds and is different for every login.

Login to your iRender account with Two-factor authentication

1. Go to The first step is to enter your username and password.

2. The next step is to enter a six-digit number generated by Google Authenticator. Choose Confirm.


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