5. Boot system

To boot a system machine

1. On the GPUHub page, you’ll see the list of your system machines. Select one system machine » Choose Boot ready

2. On the new box displaying the Boot machine

Here we offer you two choices.

  • Pay as you go

Pay the amount based on the amount of time you use the machine. We provide a type of rental machine according to the time of use to “Pay as you go” and convenient for clients. Suitable for small projects.

Description: The usage time of the device will be calculated from the machine start running to the machine start shutdown

Choose “Pay as you go” and click BOOT MACHINE

  • Rental Plan

To help clients with big projects and long-time rendering, we have established a “Rental plan” feature, so that you can rent the machine on a daily/weekly/monthly  basis at a cheaper price 


This feature is non-refundable. Please consider your needs before using

The usage time of the device will be calculated from the time you confirm.

Choose “Rental Plan” >> Check and select the rental plan setting(See more Rental plan here) >> click BOOT MACHINE



  • It may take 7-10 minutes for a normal machine to be ready.
  • Our system does not charge you in the boot step.

This process may take longer in case the machine capacity is in red alert

The less data is stored in C/Desktop, the faster the boot time is. 

  • Good machine: the machine’s capacity is under 50 GB. The boot process can take quickly about 7-10 minutes.
  • Normal machine: the machine’s capacity is 50-100 GB. The boot process can take slightly longer, about 10-15 minutes.
  • Bad machine: the machine’s capacity is over 100 GB. The boot process is extremely slow, with more than 18 minutes


It is possible to boot many system machines at the same time.

To optimize the boot time, keep track of the machine capacity in good condition. The less data is stored in C/Desktop, the faster the boot time is. Once you finished using remote servers, what you need to do is:

  • Free up space on the hard drive by removing installers or even project files from the Desktop/C drive.
  • Save only software and applications on Desktop/C drive.

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4. Create machine

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6. Connect to remote server(s)