Expand number of machines
The table below shows the number of system machines and the data storage capacity you have based on your accumulated recharge.
Accumulated recharge | Storage capacity in Z drive /GpuHub_Sync | Number of system machines |
Test | 20 GB | 1 |
$50 – $249 | 100 GB | 2 |
$250 – $499 | 200 GB | 3 |
$500 – $1499 | 400 GB | 4 |
$1500 – $2999 | 1 TB | 5 |
$3000 and more | 1 TB | 20 |
Typically, there are 2 system machines for each customer. In case you need more, request to expand the number of system machines.
Contact our customer support as described in the following procedure.
To expand the number of system machines
1. Open https://app.gpuhub.net/.
2. In the navigation pane, choose Extra Service.
3. On the Extra service management page, select EXPAND THE MACHINES THRESHOLD and then Continue.
4. On the Expand machine threshold box, enter the number of system machines you require and the reason.
Request state
Your request will be processed within 48 hours. To check the request state, go to the Extra service history on the Extra service management page.
- Pending: the request is waiting for our customer support to receive.
- In progress: the request is being processed.
- Approved: the request was approved.
- Rejected: the request was disapproved.
on the top-right corner of the iRender dashboard.